ENTREES - Catering

Enjoy our classic flavors in a variety of our signature dishes

TO ORDER: Please email this completed form to connect@blisslivingwellness.com.

Protein Buddha - coconut-sautéed kale, roasted potato, lemon tofu, rice, black beans, avocado, cheesy almond dressing

All Day Breakfast - tofu scramble, avocado, bell pepper, spinach, golden potatoes, rice, black beans, tomato, cabbage, almond nutritional yeast dressing, lemon, cilantro

Green Energy - massaged kale, cabbage, carrots, lemon tofu, sauerkraut, cilantro, cashew cream, and tahini miso ginger dressing on a bed of rice or salad greens

Lemon Love Salad - roasted chickpea, avocado, carrot, tomato, cucumber, mixed greens, grilled tofu, cashew cream, lemon vinaigrette dressing

Entree Offerings:

Small Tray: 8-10 servings - $160

Medium Tray: 11-15 servings - $230

Large Tray: 16-20 servings - $300

Protein Buddha

All Day Breakfast

Cheesy Scramble

Lemon Love Salad

Green Energy Bowl

Lentil Veggie Soup

Banzo Bowl

Quinoa Tabouli

Yellow Coconut Curry